The chief irritation since returning from California has undoubtedly
been the nine hour time differential and attendant jet-lag. The
erstwhile traveller, not ill, merely adrift; not alert, merely
sluggish, nevertheless is easily moved to shortage of temper and
tolerance. So, a further accretion of vexatious occurrences was not
Thus, I left my swimming cap in the hotel shower the second morning
back, and it naturally vanished from the earth. The very next day, the strap
on my swimming goggles, broke. With no spare and no sports shop
whatsoever in the Egg, I ordered two new pairs online. And waited!
The large cellar of my building was [unusually] flooded at the end of
November and I keep several small items in my allotted ‘room’
down there. So, enormous was the vexation to find it still flooded on my return, at
the beginning of the year! AND THEN, a registered letter from the
Brugge tax office, obviously part of a ‘sweep’ of the
foreign-born, with 13 questions, the answers to which the Tax People
already have somewhere in the electronic bowels of their offices. I
then broke a very useful, small cooking dish. I administered a quick Duvel when the little dish broke which set the tone for a swift recovery!
For the freezing spectators, the procession was like a parade of peacocks.
Pageantry personified!
Pageantry personified!
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