friend told me of a visit by the Ministre Francais de l'Economie, de
l'Industrie et du Numerique to give a lecture to students and other
interested people at the Verversdijk campus of the College d'Europe,
here in Brugge. Now this sounded interesting and, despite the fact
that the two operational languages of the College are French and
English, I did not expect a famous French
minister to speak in the language of Perfidious Albion. I was not disappointed and though my meagre French was insufficient, I gathered enough to understand the gist of what he was saying and, more importantly, I was able to savour the occasion. The Minister in question was Emmanuel Macron and I was initially impressed with the fact that despite an official limousine bearing the Ambassador, he chose to walk from the station; quite a hike actually. He was clearly admired by his chiefly young student audience and had a youthful energy and appearance that commanded attention and respect. De Standaard did an interview with Macron on the train between Brussels and Bruges en route to the lecture [full of interesting-looking stuff which I shall eventually understand.] The interviewer referred to the Minister as 'the hottest kid in town' in Parisian politics! The photo right shows Monsieur Macron speaking to Monsieur le Recteur of the College d'Europe, Jorg Monar.
minister to speak in the language of Perfidious Albion. I was not disappointed and though my meagre French was insufficient, I gathered enough to understand the gist of what he was saying and, more importantly, I was able to savour the occasion. The Minister in question was Emmanuel Macron and I was initially impressed with the fact that despite an official limousine bearing the Ambassador, he chose to walk from the station; quite a hike actually. He was clearly admired by his chiefly young student audience and had a youthful energy and appearance that commanded attention and respect. De Standaard did an interview with Macron on the train between Brussels and Bruges en route to the lecture [full of interesting-looking stuff which I shall eventually understand.] The interviewer referred to the Minister as 'the hottest kid in town' in Parisian politics! The photo right shows Monsieur Macron speaking to Monsieur le Recteur of the College d'Europe, Jorg Monar.
spoke of the initial promise of a border-free Europe and insisted
that it remains a construction economique, socialistique, pratique, a
construction which despite its present fragility, is in a profoundly
historic moment and must go forward with projects towards 'other
tomorrows'. It was quite heady being in an atmosphere wholly
supportive of Europe and convinced of the importance of this historic
concept. The young audience was so enthusiastic as was M. Macron,
about Europe and its future; so refreshing after the daily news from
the Leave Europe campaign in the UK. I DO feel European and hope
above all that the June vote manages to cling on to common sense and
do what's best for the UK while leaving the Conservative Party to continue its internal warfare. Since writing that, President Obama has weighed in heavily today to urge the UK to remain in Europe. Another voice of reason and judgement.
But back to last Monday and the College. I picked up a leaflet listing College of Europe Alumni 'Holding
High Positions' including students from the 1950s onward. Glancing idly through the pages I was quite excited to find names I knew. Some, not unexpected: Nick Clegg, Leader of the Liberal Democrats , Deputy Prime Minister 2010-2015; Member of the European Parliament 1999-2004 and M.P from May 2015. Others, less so: Simon Hughes, M.P. since May 2010; President of the Liberal Democrats 2004-2008; Stephen Kinnock, M.P. for Aberavon since May 2015; Director, Head of Europe and Central Asia of the World Economic Forum, 2009-2012; Director of the British Council in St Petersburg 2005-2008.

And from the sublime to the absolutely perfect 70th birthday party! Just back from happy hours spent in a super tall house in one of the 'ordinary' streets of Brugge where front doors open directly from the pavement on to often quite splendid period interiors. 'Twas in such that about fifteen chiefly English women gathered this afternoon to celebrate a 70th birthday; all there meet every week in a central hotel for a coffee and chat and of course, friendships develop or strengthen. The happy birthday girl, looking much younger than her seventy years, greeted us all with bubbly served by the lady of the house masquerading as a cinema ice cream seller. Eventually, up to the erstwhile attic space, now kitted out handsomely as a tiny cinema to see Alan Bennett's The Lady In The Van. Wonderful film, deeply comfortable chairs including five formerly the property of King Baudouin, complete with discreet crest on the back. Then down two flights of stairs to have tea and cake. Great fun and a birthday celebrated in style!

I had had no idea of Stephen Kinnock's so far illustrious career with little mention in the British media of his name until it was as the spouse of the then Danish Prime Minister, Helle Thorning-Schmidt. But then, Neil Kinnock was never the darling of the right wing press; difficult to imagine the successful son of a Conservative Prime Minister being ignored by the newspapers!
And from the sublime to the absolutely perfect 70th birthday party! Just back from happy hours spent in a super tall house in one of the 'ordinary' streets of Brugge where front doors open directly from the pavement on to often quite splendid period interiors. 'Twas in such that about fifteen chiefly English women gathered this afternoon to celebrate a 70th birthday; all there meet every week in a central hotel for a coffee and chat and of course, friendships develop or strengthen. The happy birthday girl, looking much younger than her seventy years, greeted us all with bubbly served by the lady of the house masquerading as a cinema ice cream seller. Eventually, up to the erstwhile attic space, now kitted out handsomely as a tiny cinema to see Alan Bennett's The Lady In The Van. Wonderful film, deeply comfortable chairs including five formerly the property of King Baudouin, complete with discreet crest on the back. Then down two flights of stairs to have tea and cake. Great fun and a birthday celebrated in style!